Publications by L. Ann Thrupp
Books and Major Reports/Monographs
Kaplan, K., D. Parr, J. Sowerwine, L.A. Thrupp, M. Van Horn. 2016. Learning from the Ground Up: Experiential Learning in Food and Agriculture Systems at the University of California. UC Global Food Initiative.
Rose, T., C. Kremen, L.A. Thrupp. 2015. Policies to Protect Pollinators: Actions Needs to Avert a Global Crisis in Agriculture, Policy Brief, Berkeley Food Institute, University of California Berkeley.
Kornegay, J., R. Harwood, S. Batie, D. Bucks, C. Flora, J. Hanson, D Jackson-Smith, W. Jury, D. Meyer, J. Reganold, A. Schumacher, H. Sehmsdorf, C. Shennan, L.A. Thrupp, P. Willis. 2010. Towards Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the 21st Century, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.
Brodt, S., and L.A. Thrupp. 2009. Understanding Adoption and Impacts of Sustainable Practices in California Vineyards (monograph). California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance, San Francisco, CA.
Thrupp, L.A. 2003. Fruits of Progress: Growing Sustainable Farming and Food System. World Resources Institute (WRI), Washington, D.C.
Thrupp, L.A., 2002. Roots of Change: The Sprouting of Sustainable Agriculture in California, Funders Agricultural Working Group (80 page report; white paper), San Francisco, CA. (Heller Foundation)
Thrupp, L.A.1999. Critical Links: Food Security and the Environment in the Greater Horn of Africa, World Resources Institute (WRI), Washington DC, and International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi.
Thrupp, L.A. 1998. Cultivating Diversity: Agricultural Biodiversity and Food Security. WRI, Washington, D.C.
Thrupp, L.A. (editor) 1996. New Partnerships for Sustainable Agriculture (editor), WRI, Washington, D.C.
Thrupp, L.A., G. Bergeron, and W. Waters. 1995. Bitter-Sweet Harvests for Global Supermarkets: Challenges in Latin America’s Agricultural Export Boom, World Resources Institute, Washington D.C. (Also published in Spanish.)
Chambers, R. A Pacey, and L.A. Thrupp. 1989. Farmer First: Farmer Innovation and Agricultural Research, Intermediate Technology Publications, London, England, coedited with Robert Chambers and Arnold Pacey.
Hilje, L. L.Castillo, I. Weseling, and L.A. Thrupp. 1987. El Uso de los Plaguicidas en Costa Rica. Universidad Nacional. San Jose, Costa Rica.
Articles in Journals and Books:
Thrupp, L.A., D. Colozza, and J. Choptiany. 2015. “The Influence of Food Systems on the Adoption of Agroecological Practices: Political-Economic Factors that Hinder or Facilitate Change,†Proceedings of FAO’s Conference on Agroecology for Food Security, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Rome.
Chaney, D., R. Green, L.A. Thrupp, V. Bogenhelm, S. Swezey. 2012. “Organic Certification and Registration in California,†in Organic Strawberry Production Manual, Edited by Koike, S., C. Bull, M. Bolda, and O. Daugovich. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland, CA.
John N. Williams, Allan D. Hollander, A. O’Geen, L.A. Thrupp, R. Hanifin, K. Steenwerth, G. McGourty, and L.E. Jackson. 2011. “Assessment of carbon in woody plants and soil across a vineyard-woodland landscape.†Carbon Balance and Management, 6:11.
Reganold, JP., D. Jackson-Smith, S. S. Batie, R. Harwood, J. L. Kornegay, D. Bucks, C. Flora, J. C. Hanson, W. A. Jury, D. Meyer, A. Schumacher Jr., H. Sehmsdorf, C. Shennan, L. A. Thrupp, and P. Willis. 2011.“Transforming US Agriculture,†Science, Vol 32, 6 May, pp. 670-671.
McGourty, G, L.A. Thrupp, and J. Broome. 2011. “Introduction: Organic Winegrowing Farming Systems,†in Organic Winegrowing Manual, Edited by McGourty, G. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland, CA.
Chaney, D., R. Green, and L.A, Thrupp, 2011. “Organic Certification and Registration in California,†in Organic Winegrowing Manual, Edited by McGourty, G. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland, CA.
Lanini, W.T., G. McGourty, and LA Thrupp, 2011. “Weed Management for Organic Vineyards,†in Organic Winegrowing Manual, Edited by McGourty, G. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland, CA.
Thrupp, L.A. 2007. “Sustainable Winegrowing Program: 2006 Progress report,†Practical Winery and Vineyards, January.
Thrupp, L.A. 2004. “The Importance of Biodiversity in Agroecosystems,†Journal of Crop Improvement, Vol 12, Number 1-2, pp 315-337.
Robertson, G.P., Thrupp, L.A., Broome, J.C., Chornesky, E.A.,Frankenberger, J.R., Johnson, P., Lipson, M., Miranowski, J.A., Owens, E.D., Pimentel, D. 2004. “Rethinking the Vision of Environmental Research in US Agriculture,†Bioscience, January Vol 54 No 1. pp. 61-65.
Thrupp, L.A. 2002. “Principles for Implementing Sustainable Agriculture: Lessons from Successful Partnerships in Integrated Pest/Crop Management Initiatives,†Sustainability of Agricultural Systems in Transition, ASA Special Publication number 64, American Soil Association, Madison, WI.
Thrupp, L.A. 2000. “Linking agricultural biodiversity and food security,†International Affairs, Vol 76 No 2 (April) Special biodiversity issue. pp. 265-282.
Thrupp, L.A. 1998. “Gender, Sustainable Development, and Improved Resource Management in Africa,†Africa’s Valuable Assets: A Reader in Natural Resource Management, Edited by A. Sigot, L.A Thrupp and J. Green, World Resources Institute, Washington D.C.
Thrupp, L.A.1996. “Social Justice as a Key Element of Sustainable Development,” Populi, Washington D.C.
Thrupp, L.A. Editor.1994. Special issue of Agriculture and Human Values on “Participation and Empowerment in Sustainable Rural Development,” Vol II, Nos 2 and 3, Spring-Summer.
Thrupp, L.A. 1994. “New Harvests, Old Problems: Feeding the Global Supermarket,” NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol XXVII, Nov/Dec, pp. 22-27.                                                                                                                                                            Â
Thrupp, L.A. 1993. “Political Ecology of Sustainable Rural Development: Dynamics of Social and Natural Resource Degradation,” in Food for the Future: Conditions and Contradictions for Sustainable Agriculture, P. Allen and D. Van Dusen, editors, John Wiley and Sons, New York.    Â
Thrupp, L.A. 1991. “Sterilization of Workers from Pesticide Exposure: DBCP‑Induced Damage in Costa Rica,” International Journal of Health Services, Volume 21:4, pp. 731-757.
Thrupp, L.A. 1990. “Inappropriate Incentives for Pesticide Use: Credit Requirements for Agrochemicals in DevelopingCountries,” Agriculture and Human Values, Summer-Fall, pp. 62-69.
Thrupp, L.A. 1990. “Legitimizing Local Knowledge: From Displacement to Empowerment,”Agriculture and Human Values, February. (Also published in Spanish in 1992, in “Agroecologia y Desarrollo Rural,†Universidad Nacional)
Thrupp, L.A. 1990. “Long‑Term Losses from Accumulation of Pesticide Residues: Persistent Toxicity in Soils of Costa Rica,” Geoforum, Volume 22, No. 1, pp. 1-15.
Thrupp, L.A. 1990. “Entrapment and Escape from Fruitless Insecticide Use: Lessons from the Banana Sector of Costa Rica,” International Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol 36, pp. 173-189.
Thrupp, L.A. 1990. “Costa Rica’s Resource Challenges,” Hemisphere: A Magazine of Latin America and CaribbeanAffairs, Winter/Spring.
Thrupp, L.A. 1989. “PolÃticas gubermentales sobre el uso de plaguicidas,” en I. Hedstrom (editor), La Situacion Ambiental en Centroamerica y el Caribe, Editorial Departamento Ecum. de Investig, San Jose.
Thrupp, L.A. 1988. “Pesticides and Policies: Approaches to Pest Control Dilemmas in Nicaragua and Costa Rica,” Latin American Perspectives, Fall Issue 59, Vol 15, No. 4. pp 37-70.
Thrupp, L.A. 1987. “Difusión de Sistemas Agroforestales,†in Sistemas Agroforestales (teaching manual), Organization of Tropical Studies & U.S. AID Forestry Support Program.
Thrupp, L.A. 1986. “PolÃticas gubermentales sobre el uso de plaguicidas: los casos en Costa Rica y Nicaragua,” Estudios Sociales Centroamericanos, 42, Setiembre-Diciembre, pp. 59-77.
Thrupp, L.A. l984. “Pesticides: Economics and Ecology,” Mesoamerica, Oct. l984.
Thrupp, L.A. l984. “Women, Wood, and Work: In Kenya and Beyond,” Unasylva (FAO Journal), December, pp. 37-44.
Thrupp, L.A. 1983. “How Appropriate is ‘Appropriate Technology’ for Rural Development?” in Proceedings for  the International Student Pugwash Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Thrupp, L.A. 1981. “Peasant View of Conservation,” Ceres, (FAO Review on Agriculture and Development), Volume 14 (4), pp. 62-68.
PhD. Dissertation: The Political Ecology of Pesticide Use in Developing Countries: Dilemmas in the Banana Sector of Costa Rica, Institute of Development Studies, Univ. of Sussex (l988, 380 pp) (Fulbright Scholarship).
M.Phil Dissertation: “The Generation of Technologies for Development: Case Study of the Choice and Diffusion of Woodfuel Innovations in Kenyaâ€, Aug. l983, l49 pp, Awarded special distinction. (Based largely on field research in June-August, l981; Royal Society and Marshall Scholarships)
Undergraduate Honors Thesis: “Deforestation, Agricultural Development and Cattle‑Expansion in Costa Rica: An Integrated Approach to Land‑Use Transformation,†Stanford University, l980, 120 p. (Based on field research undertaken in June-August 1979, Latin American Studies Summer Grant.)